Glace Fruits

Glace Apricots

Glace Cherries Green

Glace Cherries Red

Glace Ginger

Glace Mixed Peel

Glace Oranges

Glace Peaches

Glace Pineapple
Looking to buy Glace Fruits online?
There are quite a few differences but it all boils down to quality. We choose glace fruit from Spain because the fruit grown there and the traditional methods of producing glazed fruit are so superior to what you'll find elsewhere (except Australia!). We stock our glace ginger from Buderim.
The European attitude to cooking and food preparation is absolutely centred around sourcing quality base ingredients. With glace fruit, that means it's critical to start with amazing-quality fruits that are already full of flavour before the cooking process begins (if you've been to Spain, you'll know they have amazing fruit and veg).
Glace fruit should be vibrant and moist, not dull or dry. It should also be nice and firm to the touch and really juicy when you eat it. High-quality baking deserves the best glace fruit because it looks so good as well. Adding a few of our glace cherries on top of your cakes and puddings will be the final touch they need.
Yes absolutely! And not just recreational baking either. This glace fruit is of the same quality as that used in professional baking, added both inside the mixture (glace mixed peel, glace ginger) and on top as a decoration (glace cherries, glace apricots etc).